PPBC Volunteer questionnaire

Volunteers are the life blood of the Pikes Peak Blues Community. We could not exist without the skill, energy and time of Blues lovers dedicated to bringing the music we love to the place we live. The PPBC has need of a range of volunteers to help fulfill our commitment to supporting live performance and Blues education. Please fill out the short questionnaire below to help us match your skills and interests to those needs. Those whose interests include determining the future direction and actions of the Pikes Peak Blues Community can become eligible for future Board positions by first joining one of the volunteer teams listed below.

Volunteer positions:

  • Event volunteers –  Short-term volunteers for specific PPBC events. Tasks will be assigned to volunteers as needed before and during each event. Event setup crews, booth workers (sales, memberships & general support), event tear-down and cleanup.
  • Technical volunteers –  Website maintenance and modification skills are greatly needed. Volunteers are needed to build, maintain, and modify our website as well as our social media pages and postings.
  •  Blues Calendar maintenance –  Volunteers are needed to monitor events in the Pikes Peak region that may be of interest to Blues fans and to post them on the PPBC Blues Calendar. This position requires regular monitoring of community calendars from local publications and organizations, as well as receiving event input from PPBC members sent to calendar@pikespkbluees.org. The Calendar will list all local music events but will highlight shows by PPBC member bands.
  • Gallery maintenance –  The Gallery of photos and videos from PPBC events, concerts and shows requires regular monitoring, review and posting of visual media submitted by members to gallery@pikespkblues.org.
  • Creative writing –  Writing skills are needed to generate website content and communicate information to the PPBC membership. Writers with skills and experience completing grant proposals are especially valuable.
  • Youth Outreach and Education –  The PPBC is developing a program to bring an engaging, hands-on experience of Blues music to local young people. The program will focus on introducing the art form to youth who may not be aware of its important historical and cultural impact. This will include historical overviews and performance demonstrations as well as interactive experiences that involve kids with musicianship, songwriting, team building and forming an appreciation for the music we love.
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